"Parenting" Blogs & Blog Posts

Amy's MusingsAmy's Musings

Tales from the anti-soccer mom of 3 great kids, Erma Bombeck with a bite. H...

The Housewife DiariesThe Housewife Diaries

I'm a Las Vegas housewife transplanted to Philadelphia. I'm ...

In the Mommy TrenchesIn the Mommy Trenches

The ups and downs of a mostly stay at home mom trying to balance life, love...

iDare! my idea!iDare! my idea!

Exploring ideas; determined & daring be the pioneer of your own life! s...


Lifestyle and craft blog, telling the tales of me trying to start up my cra...

The Thrill Is Gone!The Thrill Is Gone!

True and funny stories about my life as a dysfunctional mom and wife! We ne...

Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?

A Father writes about family, technology and more.


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We canceled our trip to South California and flew to Cardiff instead. It was cheaper and my daughters had the time of their life.

I grew up in a big family and my parents didn't discipline us. I decided to adopt an authoritative parenting style with my kids, and it works.

My son was diagnosed with severe anxiety and pathological demand avoidance. He ignores and avoids rules, which can make traveling hard.

In order to teach the kids about their multicultural heritage, the family speaks three different languages at home.

Images of Leo Messi crying have circulated since the final for the Copa America where he was injured. He's showing kids it's OK to cry.

My American son spends half the year in France and half in the US. He noticed roads are smaller in France, and Coca-Cola is better there.

I'm 25 and my parents have been helping me financially for years. The money they give me is helpful, but also makes me feel somewhat guilty.