"Perth" Blogs & Blog Posts

Look from my eyes, feel from my heartLook from my eyes, feel from my heart

This blog revolves around the life of a simple girl who hopes to see change...

Ramblings of a Freelance WriterRamblings of a Freelance Writer

A Pom in Perth. Freelance writer. Full-time mum. Part-time blogger. Exhaust...


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Quokkas are definitely some of the absolute cutest creatures on the planet—and the quokkas in this video who are watching the smooth moves of professional juggler and circus performer Luke Forrester are some of the most adorable I've seen. Forreste...

Working with Australia and the UK, the US is making plans to keep a close eye on China's increasingly active submarine fleet.

Read a newsworthy Age article by Carolyn Webb called “Was he Jack the Ripper", reviewing a book on British serial killer Freder­ick Deeming (1853–92). Then I will pose my own questions and comments. In 1892 while Deeming was awaiting sen­tence...

Australian growth marketing agency Ammo encourages startups to develop a minimum viable brand and provides services to make sure that their marketing efforts are correctly calibrated.

Are you someone who thinks for yourself or do you just go with the flow? Are you prepared to move in a different direction to the crowd around you? We’d…Read More...

Filed under: Videos,Weird Car News Having a bad day? Well, it could be worse ...Continue reading A Range Rover and a Jaguar turned into instant convertibles by bridge A Range Rover and a Jaguar turned into instant convertibles...

I was recently in Newcastle for several days of meetings at Compassion Australia’s national office. It took the best part of a day to fly from Perth to Sydney and then travel by car from Sydney to Newcastle. It can be a tiring trip but thatR...