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Spacetime is the fabric of the universe, where space and time are woven together and warped by gravity. One way to conceptualize this is to imagine a grid representing the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time. Massive objects like...

After surveying 5 million stars throughout our galaxy, researchers identified seven that may host Dyson spheres: super-advanced alien megastructures.

On Thursday and Saturday, two different asteroids will hurtle past Earth at close range. You can watch them both live.

Jeff Bezos dreams of a future where a trillion humans live in the solar system. But experts are skeptical.

Sean Carroll, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University, spoke at the Bell House in Brooklyn, New York, in an event presented by New York City's Secret Science Club. He talked about quantum field theory, which is now considered the definitive explanati...

Many states in the northern US could be in for a rare treat this Friday. "I think we're going to see some really good auror," one expert said.

In this video, Povs Adventures uses an action cam to film water filling an ice cube maker inside a fridge and slowly, inexorably forming ice. Normally it would be pitch dark in there, but he cunningly concealed a flashlight alonsgside the action cam...