"Place" Blogs & Blog Posts

Embodiedspace: Traces on the Anthropocenic ShoreEmbodiedspace: Traces on the Anthropocenic Shore

Geography, geographic imagination, place, culture, social sciences, politic...


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Reddit is melting down before our eyes. Its CEO is engaging in wilder and wilder tactics to try to subvert the protests that began last week. Some subreddits have seen their moderation teams replaced or entirely removed, meaning that even when the du...

The Reddit blackout has finished its first phase, and subreddits are starting to come back online—but the site is not back to normal. Many communities have reopened in read-only mode, and some may stay fully dark for longer.Read more...

Hated, dogged, scandalous, sordid, nasty—these movies have been called all of those things, and much worse. Many have inspired death threats and physical attacks, while others have engendered heated wars of words that have lasted decades.Read more.

You probably love your living room. It’s where you put up your feet at the end of the day, ready to unwind in whatever home theater experience you have created. If you’re looking up, though, you’re doing it wrong—at least according to the “...

On Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?” subreddit, users with questions about the ethics and/or morality of their actions lay it out before the merciless hoard of Reddit’s rabble, asking that age-old question: “Am I the asshole here?”Read more...

Clubhouse must be onto something, because every other social media platform is launching its own version of their live, audio-only voice chats. Twitter, Discord, Facebook, LinkedIn, Spotify, and Telegram all have similar features in development, but...

IKEA's augmented reality Place app can be helpful for gauging how furniture will look in your abode, but you've been limited to trying items one at a time -- not much help if you're trying to furnish a new home. Now, though, it's...