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Gliese 12b orbits a red dwarf 40 light years again and is reportedly the most promising candidate yet among worlds deduced to be potentially-habitable and Earthlike. "We've found the nearest, transiting, temperate, Earth-size world located to date,"...

On Friday, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs signed House Bill 2477 declaring that that "Pluto is the official state planet." Thing is, Pluto isn't actually a planet. It used to be considered the ninth planet in our solar system but in 2006, the Internati...

The mystery of a missing class of planets has had NASA astronomers scratching their heads. New evidence suggests radiation could be behind it.

Two giant holes appeared on the sun's surface. They're called coronal holes, and they'll send solar winds toward Earth, revealing northern lights.

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope revealed that exoplanet K2-18 b may be an ocean world, and there's a chance it could harbor alien life.

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope revealed that exoplanet K2-18 b may be an ocean world, and there's a chance it could harbor alien life.

Neptune has more than three times the diameter of the Earth but is much less dense. A planet orbiting a star 726.5 light years away is just as big, but even denser. Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team...