"Programming" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Consultancy BlogThe Consultancy Blog

The Consultancy Blog is the corporate blog of Revell Research Systems, a Ma...

Perl HacksPerl Hacks

A blog about Perl programming and the Perl community


Intuitive software for the intelligent mind


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Mistral AI has confirmed the launch of Codestral, its first LLM designed to assist developers write code.  The Amazon-backed French… Continue reading Mistral AI introduces its first LLM for coding, fluent in 80 programming languages The post M...

10 PRINT "On May 1, 1964, John and Thomas ran the first BASIC program" 20 GOTO 10 RUN On May 1, 1964, John and Thomas ran the first BASIC program On May 1, 1964, John and Thomas ran the first BASIC program On May 1, 1964, John and Thomas ran the fir...

The best laptops for coding, programming and development in 2024, including models from Apple, Dell, Google, Huawei and more.

The best laptops for coding, programming and development in 2024, including models from Apple, Dell, Google, Huawei and more.

Do you spend your day coding? Having the best tech makes your job easier. See our top picks for the best programming & coding monitors.

Do you spend your day coding? Having the best tech makes your job easier. See our top picks for the best programming & coding monitors.

Hours programming or coding can be tough with a bad monitor. Our list of the Top 15 Budget Monitors for Programming & Coding can make things much better.