"Race" Blogs & Blog Posts

Am I scary For you? Minstrelsy, Metamorphosis and Michael JacksonAm I scary For you? Minstrelsy, Metamorphosis and Michael Jackson

Postings on the inspirations and influences on Michael Jackson's life ...


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We went to Churchill Downs days before the Kentucky Derby to see what it takes to train the winning horse and prepare the track for 400,000 fans.

Kamala Harris faces many critiques in how she has handled her role, but experts say that many of the critiques are due in part to the difficulties of her job.

On the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, President Joe Biden wrote the following:Sixty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans marched on Washington for jobs an...

Black students from the elementary school's fourth and fifth grades were told as a group that they had been underperforming on standardized tests.

Fro Gallup polls done in 2003/04 and 2023. ...


The charts above are from a Gallup Poll -- done between May 30th and April 14th of a nationwide sample of 13,023 adults, with a 1.7 point margin of error.