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Admitting they have nothing to run on, MAGA Mike Johnson's majority in Congress is spending money on vile lies in support of their cult hero, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump. As they have no message to get out, the NRCC is sugges...

Marjorie takes her turn at making excuses for what everyone assumes will be convicted felon Donald Trump's terrible debate performance. With how stacked Republicans complain the deck is against Donald Trump, you could almost forget he agreed to these...

Forget fake news; MAGA influencers go straight for fake barricades to protect their narrative fortress. Marge fell hook, line, and sinker for fake news that the Supreme Court of the United States was erecting barricades and preparing to fend off an a...

AI is abused to resurrect MLK's voice for a new speech, endorsing a Republican congressional candidate. Michigan Republican primary congressional candidate Anthony Hudson started by apologizing for the tasteless TikTok video, but then he decided to...

 If Trump is re-elected, he and his GOP cohorts have already told us they want to continue the tax cuts he got passed during his first term (over 80% of which went to the rich and super-rich). It won't help the working class at all, and will onl...

The RNC Presidential nominating convention faces a potential Trump-shaped hole, threatening to suck all the hot air out of the room. When your guy is a convict, you have to be prepared. The RNC denies that these preparations are being made and insist...

Colorado's addicted-to-media-attention Congressperson Lauren Boebert complains about media attention but also admits it is why she exists. If only the media would stop talking about how terrible Lauren Boebert is, there would be nothing to say. The m...