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Conservative attorney George Conway —whose ex-wife Kellyanne Conway was Donald Trump's senior advisor — gave three pieces of advice to the liberal media on how to beat Trump. "There is a large swathe of Republicans who are beyond persuasion, and...

Republican lick-spittle Congressperson Paul Gosar wants to honor adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, and MAGA cult leader Donald Trump. This is just silly. Gosar is just looking for a way to steal Marge or Boebert's spotlight for a moment. This is s...

 From the Economic Policy Institute:Key findingsSince 1949, there has been a Democratic advantage in the average performance of key macroeconomic indicators measuring economic health, including: Gross Domestic Produ...

The charts above are from a YouGov Poll -- done between May 31st and June 3rd of a nationwide sample of 1,110 adults, with a 4 point margin of error.

The following post is by Robert Reich: As we slump toward the 2024 election, America faces harrowing existential crises — climate change, the potential loss of our democracy to neofascism, the attack on women’s control over their own bodies,...

Iowa lawmakers recently voted to ban basic income programs. But one such program says it'll continue using private funds.

When asked about her hands-on theater going, Colorado's scurrying from district-to-district Congressperson Lauren Boebert spun out of control. Acknowledging that the intoxicated and amorous theatergoer had lodged an apology for her actions, debate ho...