"Science" Blogs & Blog Posts


Gajitz is an interactive archive of innovations past, present and futuristi...

Sciencebase Science BlogSciencebase Science Blog

A science blog covering everything from astronomy to zoology with a special...


In which someone you've never heard of writes about things you have no...

Friends RevolutionFriends Revolution

Friends Revolution focuses on the everyday interesting including travel, ph...

Genre WenchGenre Wench

Reviews of mystery, fantasy, sci-fi and the occasional horror books

PodBlack CatPodBlack Cat

Science, superstitions and skeptical life - a female's token skeptic b...

Ancient DiggerAncient Digger

Learning from the past while digging in the present. A journal and educatio...


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Engineers from Boeing and NASA have spent much of the last month running ground tests on a Starliner Reaction Control System (RCS) thruster to get a better idea of what went wrong during the active Starliner’s flight in early June, and they finally...

NASA scientists say pure sulfur has been found on Mars for the first time after the Curiosity rover inadvertently uncovered a cluster of yellow crystals when it drove over a rock. And it looks like the area is filled with it. It’s an unexpected dis...

Almost eighteen years ago, the International Astronomical Union voted to change the definition of a planet. The new definition excluded Pluto, formerly considered the ninth planet in our solar system, shortly after its discovery in 1930. This decisio...

A group of international researchers at the University of Cologne in Germany recently discovered one of the rarest types of black holes in the universe. The researchers were observing a cluster of stars in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole na...

You don't need a degree in meteorology to understand "Twisters," but if your tornado science is a little shaky, here are some terms that might help.

The US faces a $625 billion cost to repair its drinking- and clean-water infrastructure.

When 'Twister' debuted nearly 30 years ago, it showcased some pretty new science. A lot has changed over the decades ahead of the sequel, 'Twisters.'...