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A two-year moratorium on solar tariff imports is over, and could help bring stability to strained US producers, analysts told BI.

Germany has installed a record number of solar panels. But consumers aren't starting to use them fast enough.

In the ongoing war caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine power plants have been attacked by both sides to hurt military and civilian operations. Beyond the obvious horrors of war the loss of power generation makes heating homes more challengin...

"Prices in Europe have significantly cratered," one expert told Business Insider. "In the US, it's a different story."...

Several experts told BI they are watching how artificial intelligence is transforming climate action and the rapid adoption of renewable energy.

It might seem odd to put solar panels on the side of walls in a region with mountains, but that’s exactly what’s happening in Switzerland. One of the cantons in the country is looking to be powered by at least 40% renewables by 2035 (whic...

Montgomery County, Maryland, aims to have zero-emission transit by 2035. It's building microgrids with solar, battery storage, and eventually green hydrogen to power its buses.