"Stand Up Comedy" Blogs & Blog Posts

Janey Godley Podcasts!Janey Godley Podcasts!

Janey Godley and Ashley Storrie shoot the breeze. Mother and Daughter come...

Janey Godley’s BlogJaney Godley’s Blog

Award-winning Blog, since 2004, which provides an astoundingly honest, cand...


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Everybody’s definition of funny is a little different, which is why it’s cool that Netflix has an impressive variety of movies representing a very broad genre. If you’re looking for something to make you laugh, you can choose a smart, criticall...

After a star-studded August, September is a lighter month for Netflix when it comes to flashy original fare, but there are still some gems for those of you who have yet to ditch the service in the wake of rising prices and a crackdown on password sha...

In the age of social media and everyone from the age of eight up seemingly having a camera in hand all the time, athletes/celebrities are under intense scrutiny nearly 24/7. Some never break stride by turning the other cheek and walking away. Then th...

Better late than never. The WWE Hall of Fame is a peculiar beast. Despite WWE becoming synonymous with pro wrestling in the way that Kleenex is associated with tissue, the company is far from the only game in town when it comes to predetermined grapp...

I had a friend that once told the story of how she got pulled over by a cop the same day she flew back to Seattle from Korea, and when the cop asked for her license she got out of the car and said "Today fly Korea" while pointing at the sky. —...

To an artist, there's nothing more imprisoning than success. Well, I guess actual prison counts too. And, you know what, poverty that renders you incapable of pursuing your art in a meaningful way can be pretty imprisoning as well. Scratch that; ther...

When, a year after admitting that he had masturbated in front of non-consenting women, Louis CK gave a surprise performance at the Comedy Cellar he posed a challenge to some of the more uneasy members of the audience. Read more...