"Thyroid" Blogs & Blog Posts


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Mary Hemm took an at-home fertility test when she was 29. Her hormone levels sent her to a doctor who found her thyroid cancer.

Comedian Ken Jeong, MD no longer practices medicine, but he maintains his medical license. This seems like a good idea in the fickle world of entertainment. In this Wired video, Dr. Jeong explains why the knee reflex test is so important. —...

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds, also called "forever chemicals" are linked to severe health problems like cancer and thyroid disease.

Every journey to motherhood presents different challenges, and some much more difficult than my own. This is my attempt to document my story nonetheless, a record for myself and my children, to be shared with other woman and mothers in the tradition...

Little booties brought at the hospital today to cheer me up after my 28 week appointment. I was quite anxious before the appointment. The radio-iodine treatment I had twelve months ago hasn't worked long term and has act...

Right now... the good and the bad. Loving: being 26 weeks pregnant Admiring: the hand knitted cardigan and woolen blanket I thrifted yesterday Making: embroidered linen Christmas napkins Reading: Several books from the lib...

If you've been treating your mood disorder with antidepressants but haven't experienced much relief, doctors may have found a solution: A psychiatric illness isn't the root of your problem. For some people issues like depression and anxiety may actu...