"Transport" Blogs & Blog Posts

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AI could speed up the process of improving EV batteries and ease people's concerns about cost, range, and charging.

Oliver Wolf Sacks (1933-2015) was born in London, youngest of four sons of two Lithuanian Jewish doctors. Oliver spent most of his childhood in London, though his GP father and surgeon moth­er sent him to a rural boarding school for 4 years in WW2 t...

Peter was the first child born to Helen & Joseph; first grandchild to Thelma & Les in Melbourne, and to Chaya & Yehuda in Sydney; and first great grandchild to Sarah and Peter. He was conceived in Israel, born in Brit­ain in 19...

Noted businessman John Jacob Astor (1864-1912), who made his for­t­une in the fur trade, was 47 when the Titanic sank in April 1912. Acc­or­d­ing to survivor accounts, Astor didn’t believe the ship was in any kind of immed­iate danger. He hel...

The term Grand Tour first appeared in the Voyage or a Com­pleat Journey through Italy 1670, by Fr­enchman Rich­ard Lassels. Pub­lish­ed in Lond­on, the book became a guide for sch­olars, artists and art col­l­ect­ors who were planning...

While privacy is key in the superyacht world, some boat bloggers are speculating that Meta's Mark Zuckerberg bought the 118-meter vessel Launchpad.

I left Czechoslovakia at 3.5 years old, and remembered almost nothing. But my mother thought her homeland was the most beautiful country anywhere. So tours back home as an adult were very impressive, starting with Lednice. Lednice, in English Tu...