"Trauma" Blogs & Blog Posts

PTSD: A Soldier's PerspectivePTSD: A Soldier's Perspective

Combat PTSD Vet, blogger, advocate and social work student with a unique pe...


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Trauma experts have highlighted the mental health challenges Ukrainian soldiers face, including grief and PTSD amid their prolonged fight.

One of the worst things your company can do for your mental health is talk about it too much.

Breaking the cycle of abuse in a dysfunctional family begins with facing how relatives made you feel. Healing childhood trauma is hard but worth it.

Growing up in a dysfunctional family can impact your self-esteem, future relationships, and even physical health, according to a therapist.

You may have encountered these types of emotionally immature parents. Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson, a psychologist, said there are four models you need to know.

Reactive parents have no filter for their emotions, causing their children to walk on eggshells. Here are signs you grew up with a volatile parent.

Oppositional defiant disorder's broad definition and symptoms in children have some psychologists concerned. ADHD or autism may be the issue, not ODD.