"Uk Politics" Blogs & Blog Posts

Conor's CommentaryConor's Commentary

A blog about politics, education, Ireland, culture and travel. I am Conor R...

Boris JohnsonBoris Johnson

Boris Johnson - politician, journalist and columnist. This site houses news...


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A Sussex businessman named Steve Endacott has created an AI avatar of himself that is currently running for Parliament in Brighton Pavilion in the UK. "AI Steve," as the AI is affectionately known, previously ran in a local election on the Conservati...

 https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/observations/gcpvj0v07Click on image to enlargeBefore facing the world's press to confirm a 2024 general election date, it seems neither the British Prime Minister, members of his Cabinet nor his staff thoug...

The new British PM's net worth is so large that he and his wife entered this year's Sunday Times Rich List in 222nd place.

The UK is facing an economic squeeze. Critics wonder if its new prime minister Rishi Sunak — whose family is one of the richest in the country — is the right fit for the job.

Request for the Chinese vice president to visit the Queen's coffin was refused after China sanctioned UK MPs critical of its treatment of the Uighurs.

The five-week-long UK leadership election has finished, and Liz Truss has been declared the new Prime Minister.

A new survey found that half of the British public — 49% of those polled — thinks Boris Johnson did a bad job as PM.