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Where Can We WalkWhere Can We Walk

Getting out in the fresh air is fantastic exercise even if just for 30 minu...

A blog from my dogA blog from my dog

Follow the adventures of Buster and Charlie as they look at the world from ...


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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he will meet with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Kyiv.

2 August at 05:40 · A pleasant surprise. The hospital used to allow one a free hour of wifi each day. The limit seems to be no more though one has to keep on logging in.2 August at 07:28 · For the first time I am leaving my mobi...

Sabbath rest from the computer means a brief account only.Saturday night I tried to lie on the bed and watch for meteors.Saw none. Sunday being my sabbath from the web, emails etc I started on my first Kindle book, Seeking Allan Finding Jesus. I foun...

03:16 · In the words of Mr Grumpy himself, 'I do not believe it'. Nurse tells me I am not due until the afternoon list as despite no warfarin my INR is not as they may want it. I think I must pass from angry to fatalistic. No. Wrong religi...

12 August at 11:41 · London · Trainspotting yesterday from 2 p.m.Main line has three tracks each way plus two tube lines I think. I failed to distinguish up trains from down but in 20 minutes, 8 suburban, 10 tubes, 5 express and...

Pss. 119:105 (NIV) “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”One Ray of HopeThat’s all I asked for really, is one ray of hope. I think it’s been less than two weeks since the Family Practice office called and asked me if I’d...

Prov. 28:1 (KJV) “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” A New Way Of LivingWhen I first went to the doctor in January (and successive doctors) they all seemed to ask the same questions of me and one of...