"War On Drugs" Blogs & Blog Posts

Transform Drug Policy FoundationTransform Drug Policy Foundation

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Even though the Minnesota legislature passed a law last year decriminalizing drug paraphernalia even if it had drug residue, prosecutors charged a woman for possession of bong water, and she now faces 30 years in prison. From Christopher Ingraham's a...

The DEA's scare tactics likening Adderall prescriptions to the opioid epidemic betrays its addiction to manufacturing drug panics to protect its authority amid the drug war's failures. The Drug Enforcement Administration has found a new bogeyman to j...

Recently, the Biden administration requested that the Drug Enforcement Administration consider removing cannabis from the Schedule I category. This category is reserved for drugs that are believed to have no accepted medical use and a high potential...

The war on drugs is back, with Oregon recriminalizing possession and an endless drumbeat of news stories, often sourced to police and people involved in the pharmaceutical business, about how bad they are. But here's one you won't be hearing about fr...

Lee Sun-kyun, the actor best known in the US for playing the rich dad in Bong Joon-Ho's 2019 film 'Parasite', was found dead in his car in Seoul following a 19-hour police interrogation. The South Korean government has renewed its draconian war on dr...

The Mississippi Court of Appeals ruled that Allen Russell (38) should die in prison for having an ounce-and-a-half of pot. His lawyers argued that his life sentence was "cruel and unusual punishment and is grossly disproportionate," but the court of...

Magic Mushrooms and other psychedelic stuffs are decriminalized in Washington D.C. as of today. The Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020, passed last year with overwhelming support, goes into effect at noon. They are not legal, but are spe...