Simon Cox life blog of the year

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Blog Tags:web standards, modelling, railways, walking, CSS, Simon Cox, football, writing, television
Country:United Kingdom

I bring you articles to read and comment on when you have time, images to soak in while you wander about the web and thoughts to ponder on while you drink your tea.

Latest Blog Posts

Some time ago Cloudflare announced that they were making Workers available. More recently, Google has built image Lazy Loading into its Chrome browser. The new loading attribute will speed up your pages in certain circumstances. This is especially us...

Some time ago Cloudflare announced that they were making Workers available. More recently, Google has built image Lazy Loading into its Chrome browser. The new loading attribute will speed up your pages in certain circumstances. This is especially us...

Pludgebanger. Every now and again I search for a word on Google that does not exist. Some people create words for their SEO testing and these are normally words that are highly unlikely to be an actual word, such as "ipbepikebf\[ojdfv\[joa", else tha...

The four different variants of your website - http, https, www and non www - are seen as different websites by Google. Technically you can actually run different content under each of these, though it is very unusual to see that. As such we need to e...

I was inspired to build a copy of one of Reinier Hendriksen's rail-buses from his original article of April 1999 edition of the 009 news, after I read the archived material from the 500th edition. For my version, I decided to use a Kato chassis as it...

Safecont is a new online SEO tool from Data elasticity S.L in Spain, that analyses your website content and highlights where you should consider improving the content.Google is updating their core algorithms on what appears to be a near daily basis.


on Jul 28, 2018

Hi, I am one of many Simon Cox’s in the UK. I am not either of the ones that play football and I don't have a super injunction out (I don't know of a Simon Cox that does - it's just that I don't which is very untrendy). I am not the geologist, the...