Three Beautiful Things

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Blog Tags:happiness, joy, beauty, positive, cheer, happy, spirituality, writing, philosophy
Country:United Kingdom
Location:Tunbridge Wells

Every day I write about three things that have amused or delighted me.

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1. Looking into the world of an artist, where dogs and chickens run wild through cluttered collaged backgrounds.2. Nick is very pleased with himself because the supermarket app has promised him a free bunch of bananas to go with the free box of straw...

1. Now that Bettany has a rack on the back of her bike, I don't have to carry her jumper and water bottle.2. The me who is now mixing fairy cakes is grateful to the me who earlier this afternoon took the butter out of the fridge.3. I learnt French mo...

1. We take our coffee into the theatre garden where we can look up into the trees.2. Among the shopping are new season strawberries -- two boxes because it was an offer. The berries have a glossy shine and a deep scarlet colour that seem very promisi...

1. A very small person with pale blue eyes and fine blonde hair crawls along the bench seating to tell me all about her morning with lots of pointing and 'Up, up.'2. The landlord has been round to fix our loo flush, which has had an intermittent faul...

1. We circle a reconstruction of Shillibeer's 1829 horse-bus, painted with flower wreaths like a Roma cart. We climb aboard and sit on red velvet sprung seats.2. To learn that in London of 1897, you could hail an electric cab -- Bersey's humming bird...

1. I hardboiled a few eggs this morning. At lunch, I note that the one Nick is eating has a perfect yolk -- just a little soft.2. It just takes a few snips to bring the garden back into line.3. Foxgloves are best viewed in the dusk, a little distance...

1. It's been so blimmin' wet that there are mushrooms on the common.2. The nettles that have seeded have a misty grey blue colour to them.3. Late at night, I'm told that the large rice pudding that no-one except me and Nick wanted at supper has broug...