Mind Shadows

Blog URL:http://spiritrambler.blogspot.com
Blog Tags:Consciousness, Neuroscience, Brain, Spirituality, Science of Happiness, Philosophy, Unusual Lives, Buddhism, Religion

Between the emotion and the response falls the shadow. I take wide license, with primary focus on neuroscience, consciousness, brain, and spirituality.

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Steven Levy said that he had almost a religious experience when he found it in Wichita, Kansas. A journalist for a magazine, New Jersey Monthly, he knew it had been missing since Einstein's death. Yes, missing. The most brilliant mind of all time was...

on Jun 26, 2024

Decapitated Heads Remaining Conscious?Q. Would a guillotined person die instantly or would the severed head live long enough to feel itself hit the ground? How could anyone but those executed ever know? A guillotined head opened its eyes it...

 This art-deco image of a pilot, scarf flying over a vintage biplane, evokes for me an entire era, and one man helps capture that era.  A while back I found a book in a used book store.  It was about Richard Halliburton, written by his...

A few years back I read about George, a 140 year-old lobster that did not wind up on somebody's dinner plate. Instead, he was returned to the ocean at Kennebunkport, Maine. Lobster age is calculated by weight and this one weighed 20 pounds. George wo...

Descended from the legendary Dukes of Alba, daughter in a wealthy Cuban family, Mercedes de Acosta was born in 1893 in New York, raised near Fifth Avenue, and had a beautiful sister Rita de Acosta who was a model for artists John Singer Sargent and G...

Born to immense wealth, Pancho had an arranged marriage to a minister. Newspapers proclaimed the marriage of a socialite to a pastor. Tired of the marriage, she couldn't get a divorce so each Sunday morning she climbed into her biplane and dove down...

​In ancient Rome, a general, many to become emperors, presided over The Triumph (Triumphus), a victory parade through the streets of the city with throngs watching him pass by.  In a chariot he lead the parade, and heard the ovations of the ma...