
Blog URL:http://heartatworkonline.org
Blog Tags:socialmedia, Linkedin, Twittertools, inbound, collaboration, community, marketing, social
Country:United States

Social Media Jam - Twitter, Linkedin, Blogging and inbound marketing

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The Kindness Community

on Jul 17, 2024 in: Blog

Heart@Work LLC The Kindness Community, the ultimate vision for this online place is to create a place where kindness is the norm, and every individual feels a sense of belonging and purpose. It’s a community that exemplifies how living with kindnes...

Why not fund Safe Parking?

on Jul 5, 2024 in: Blog

Heart@Work LLC Why not fund Safe Parking? If you have noticed that more people are being unhoused or displaced. If you own a vehicle where can you go to park safely and sleep? We have a national crisis of not enough housing that people can afford. Th...

Heart@Work LLC Breaking Free from Self-Doubt. Proven Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Cultivating a habit of visualization fosters a positive mindset and strengthens you. Written by Gloria Martinez Feeling like a fraud despite your accomplis...

How’s your Dignity?

on Jun 24, 2024 in: Blog

Heart@Work LLC How’s your Dignity? Did you know there is a Dignity Index that will tell you how well you are doing? Watch how it works:  https://www.dignityindex.us/videos Are you ready to take the Pledge? Here’s a little bit about the p...

Heart@Work LLC Who are Your Ideal Customers? It’s the biggest question we all have to answer in order for us to gain customers and sales. Otherwise you are just reaching the wrong people. You don’t have time for the wrong people to engage...

Are you 55+

on May 23, 2024

Heart@Work LLC Are you 55+ or Classified as a Boomer?  Use this to your advantage and leverage your expertise to build a strong foundation, in becoming a social entrepreneur or some call us the difference makers. Look for a few things before you beg...

Heart@Work LLC A Profitable Green Social Justice Business, in just five (5) weeks, this is Shel’s special offer, with the help of Shel and your peers in the group. Discover hidden opportunities to create a new vibe for your business and communi...