"Social" Blogs & Blog Posts


Social Media Jam - Twitter, Linkedin, Blogging and inbound marketing


Nathanael Boehm on user experience design, social media and Government 2.0.

Watchful eyes, thoughtful mindWatchful eyes, thoughtful mind

@WETM_blog trying to make a difference in the world of science and eco-awar...


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TikTok is reportedly experimenting with introducing streaks in direct messages, a feature similarly found on Snapchat, according to a new… Continue reading TikTok tests streaks in messages, echoing Snapchat’s popular feature The post TikT...

Social media platform X has updated its adult and artificial intelligence (AI) policies to reflect the company’s stance on content… Continue reading X (aka Twitter) adjusts its policies on AI-generated nudity and sexy pictures The post X...

Discord has had yet another rebrand as they enter into the ‘next chapter’ and although changes are subtle, people are… Continue reading Users poke fun at Discord rebrand and question why it happened The post Users poke fun at Discord rebran...

A fast-track schedule has been set by the U.S. appeals court to consider legal challenges to the new law requiring… Continue reading Challenges to potential TikTok ban to be heard by US Court in September The post Challenges to potential TikTok...

Content shared on Meta’s social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, is being used for the company’s AI training. Instagram… Continue reading How to stop Meta training its AI using your Facebook data The post How to stop Me...

It’s official. TikTok is going longform. The application, which is facing a potential ban in the U.S., confirmed to TechCrunch… Continue reading TikTok eyes 60-minute video uploads, drawing ‘mini YouTube’ criticism The post Ti...

European Union (EU) regulators have confirmed another investigation against Meta over concerns the social media giant has potentially breached online… Continue reading EU regulators to probe Meta over child safety concerns The post EU regulator...