"Animals" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mayukh's PhotoblogMayukh's Photoblog

capturing the best moments

Jamie ClubbJamie Clubb

The blog of Jamie Clubb, author of "The Legend of Salt and Sauce: The ...


News, commentary and action alerts about animal rights issues


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Two children in Estes Park, Colorado have been attacked by cow elks in one week. On Monday, a female elk charged and stomped on a four-year-old boy who was playing at Stanley Park. He was treated at a hospital and sent home later in the day. —...

A giraffe scared a Texas family as much as the family scared the giraffe when it plucked a toddler right out of a pickup truck at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. The family had stopped to admire the graceful creature, and even offered it some snacks, wit...

A tiny frisky 2-month old chihuahua named Pete is having the time of his life as he energetically plays with a plushie. A plushie that his much bigger friend — a huge 1-year-old great Dane named Dexter — somehow got talked into holding for him.

A Spanish water dog loves it when her automatic ball thrower plays fetch with her — until it runs out of balls, that is. That's when her anger issues flare up. Forgetting the step where she's supposed to put the balls back into the machine, Cora th...

You might think that humans are the animal that kill the most humans each year, but you'd be mistaken. Yes, 400,000 humans are killed every year by homicide but the deadliest animal to humans is actually the lowly and vile mosquito. — Read the...

German shepherds were originally bred to herd sheep, but one amazing Minnesota dog named Zeus used his skills to lure a bear away from his home. And video that caught his heroic act is pretty dramatic, with his worried human understandably screaming...

Visitors to Rocky Mountain National Park are warned to stay at least 25 yards away from elk, but a local 8-year-old resident wasn't even in the park when an elk came after her from 60 feet away. The cow elk, that was with a young calf, then stomped o...