"Asthma" Blogs & Blog Posts


Diary of a severely asthmatic wannabe endurance athlete


Posting Frequency on "asthma"


Latest Blog Posts

Its been a couple years now since I’ve required a dilation for my posterior glotticRead More...

As of this week Ive been on Fasenra(benralizumb)for exactly 2 and a half years. MyRead More...

Its been a while since I’ve posted anything to this blog, frankly I didn’t missRead More...

Its been a while since I’ve posted anything to this blog, frankly I didn’t missRead More...

Going forward I wont be adding new content very often to this blog, but pleaseRead More...

  At the 2021 Australian Census 625,835 people reported Asthma as a long-term health condition - with a population incidence rate of 8.2%. In New South Wales, Asthma was the fourth highest long-term condition category self-reported in the C...

The last post

By Breathinstephen on Oct 26, 2023

Dear friends and readers, Rather than make this a long-drawn-out emotional farewell, or have peopleRead More...