"Bones" Blogs & Blog Posts

Anna's BonesAnna's Bones

Thoughts on bones, evolution, and all the worlds in between.


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The thigh bone, or femur, is recognized as the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the human body. Usually, it takes a horrific car accident, sports injury, or brutal fall to break that bone. Recently though, a 35-year-old man fractured it with...

Homo sapien bones in a German cave prove early humans occupied Europe 47,500 years ago alongside Neanderthals, challenging early human history.

Score! An anthropologist browsing a North Fort Myers, Florida thrift store's Halloween section spotted what turned out to be a real human skull on the shelf. According to the proprietor, the skull was part of a storage unit purchase many years ag...

Scientists now think cannibalism was common among Magdalenian Upper Palaeolithic people, who lived across Europe between 11,000 and 17,000 years ago.

Welcome to another TikTok Myth of the Week—one that I really, truly wish I were making up. Today we’re talking about “bone smashing,” sometimes known by similar names such as “bone mashing.” It’s when you hit your face with a hammer, bu...

A couple in Australia was playing fetch with their dog Myrtle when she excitedly stuck her mouth into a bush and pulled out a bulging "bone" that was a lot bigger than the one that had been thrown. To their "horror," as they joked, they realized the...

The "bog body" was discovered in October near a Stone Age ax, animal bones, and ceramics, researchers said.