"Brain" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mind ShadowsMind Shadows

Between the emotion and the response falls the shadow. I take wide license,...


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Brain tumours are scary and very difficult to deal with, current treatments include invasive surgery and/or radiation. The advent of mRNA based vaccines is making a difference in how we can treat various brain cancers and the early results are lookin...

He won two Pulitzer Prizes by transforming accounts of doctors at work into in-depth, narrative articles that read like dramatic short stories.

Your brain isn’t a muscle, but it still benefits from daily training. Drifting focus and a foggy memory can be frustrating, but you may be able to help your brain get into gear by running it through a few specialized workouts every day. That’s th...

For some people, reading in the car is a great way to pass the time. For others, it's a one-way ticket to motion sickness.

People who are incarcerated have their mental health neglected on many levels. It can lead to PTSD, depression, and lack of self-control.

Bad moods can have different drivers, but a common characteristic is the presence of your stress response. While the stress response is crucial for getting us in gear to face a threat, if it lingers, it affects the cognitive functions that are crucia...

When my son was a toddler, I spent much of my day helping him navigate his big emotions. There was his outrage at having to wear pants every single day; his tears over having to go to sleep at a reasonable hour; his utter despondence about not gettin...