"Buddhism" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mind ShadowsMind Shadows

Between the emotion and the response falls the shadow. I take wide license,...

Planting WordsPlanting Words

My life as a gardener of words...

Higher TruthHigher Truth

Looking into the nature of truth; both relative & absolute and the psyc...

Healing PhilosophyHealing Philosophy

Empowering insight from Eastern and Western philosophy. Harness your inner ...

This Is ThisThis Is This

This Is This - A blog of occasional daily life with patchy outbreaks of fun...


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The 21-year-old college student was detained by Japanese authorities and accused of trying to smuggle over $2.4 million worth of drugs from Cambodia.

"Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream," The Beatles sang. Turns out, experienced meditators can do just that according to a new scientific study. Researchers used EEG to measure brain activity of experienced Tibetan Buddhist meditators and...

She was making her name in New York journalism in the footsteps of her famous father and becoming an outspoken feminist when she met an Indian guru.

A gigantic vulva sculpture surrounded by eight smaller vulvas is drawing crowds of worshippers at a Buddhist shrine in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. According to Newsflare, the sculpture was created by Buddhist nun Naowaratkotchaporn Simethawong o...

Christine Roy, Unsplash.My poor blog, how I have neglected you.I have abandoned you for my Substack, which is Lorenzo from Oz. It is here.I have written there on lots of things.In July 2022, I wrote on matters Trans. (https://lorenzofromoz.substack.c...

One of the last projects of the late Thích Nhất Hạnh was to offer to the world a new translation of the Heart Sutra: The Other Shore. Completed in 2014, and published in 2017, the presentation of a new translation, new language, as well as new c...

On Friday, over 200,000 Buddhists gathered over Zoom to celebrate Makha Bucha Day.  One of the holist days to Buddhists, Makha Bucha Day marks the full moon day of the third lunar month. This year, that date was February 26.  Image:...