"Cows" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mark WadsworthMark Wadsworth

Economics and cow attacks.


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Not all cows know they are cows — such as Bruce, a cuddly black-and-white bull who thinks he's a dog. Or at least acts like one. Watch Bruce enjoy a day in the pool, dog-paddling around while his human does cannonballs and flips off the diving boar...

Raw milk is a hazard to cows, workers, and consumers, a new study suggests. There a few things dairy farms can do about that.

A new study published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions has the fabulous title "Cow Cuddling: Cognitive Considerations in Bovine-Assisted Therapy." The first sentence of the introduction is even better. "Koeknufflen" is the Dutch term that tr...

The new strain of bird flu has infected more than 90 million chickens and has spread to cows, and even humans. Here's what you need to know.

Alabama has become the second U.S. state to prohibit the manufacture and sale of meat grown in the lab from animal cells. The measure, posed by Florida governor Ron DeSantis as a global conspiracy to force Americns to eat bugs but more plainly about...

When a baby cow named Milo looked into a mirror for the first time, he became a bit bashful and kept his distance. But he couldn't take his eyes off the handsome little guy staring back at him. And after a few moments, he built up the courage to take...

See how the world's cutest cows react when their human friend pretends to faint. After their friend drops to the floor, pretending to be in peril, the cows act startled for a few seconds (their little jumps are so cute). The cows quickly forget about...