"Dairy" Blogs & Blog Posts


This nutritionist is fed up with Americans not knowing the basics of health...


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Raw milk is a hazard to cows, workers, and consumers, a new study suggests. There a few things dairy farms can do about that.

The new strain of bird flu has infected more than 90 million chickens and has spread to cows, and even humans. Here's what you need to know.

Something stinks in the world of cheese, but this time it's not the product – it's the sour grapes emanating from the dairy industry as they try in vain to curdle the rise of a plant-based upstart that's threatening to spoil their future. ̵...

Avian flu has been detected in multiple US states. A food safety expert explained how you should think about meat, dairy, and egg consumption right now.

The Netherlands exports much of its Gouda cheese abroad. The country's 1.6 million dairy cows release ammonia, an emission that destroys nature areas.

Plant-based milk drinkers are speaking out about the campaigns, suggesting star power may not be enough to change Gen Z's mind about cow's milk.

The Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia ruled that US consumers understand "gruyère to refer to a type of cheese, which renders the term generic."...