"Documentation" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Video Documentation from Tim Brunsden


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Most developers don’t enjoy writing documentation for their code and that makes life quite a bit harder when a new team member tries to get started on working on a company’s codebase. And even when there are documentation or in-line comme...

Some toys may appear on Amazon without being vetted for safety. According to a CNBC report, multiple third-party sellers say they were only asked for proof of safety compliance weeks after their products were listed for sale. While the practice might...

 The Library of Congress announced today that it will no longer add every public tweet to its archives, an ambitious project it launched seven years ago. It cited the much larger volume of tweets generated now, as well as Twitter’s decisio...

At the end of last year, and early in January I finished the print "self-sufficient". Here are some process images. "self-sufficient" is a reduction print, which means that all the separate colour layers where printed from the same block. With the la...

Filed under: Taxes, Income Tax, Tax Laws Gunnar Pippel/Shutterstock By Robert Flach For your tax preparer to allow you to take advantage of all the tax deductions, credits and loopholes to which you are entitled, you need to give him or her complet...

Talking about code is just as important as writing it.

If you had to choose a picture that represents humanity to be eternally preserved, what would it be? Most likely it would be one of heartbreak, joy, devastation, awe or triumph. One man has spent five years examining this idea, and he has launched hu...