"Families" Blogs & Blog Posts

Structural HomeopathyStructural Homeopathy

A Blog where you can find updates and additional materials associated with ...

French Kitchen in AmericaFrench Kitchen in America

A chef's daughter dishes on family, food and France.

Auld Reekie RantsAuld Reekie Rants

The sometimes inane ramblings of a fortysomething citizen of Edinburgh, Sco...


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Speed traps and property confiscations are among the worst abuses of state power, IMHO. You're generally helpless to fight back, regardless of how capricious the claims against you. A new outrage joins the pantheon of state perpetrated awfulness. Thi...

Kimberly Gallina and her husband, Jim, met at a school they were both teaching at in Jamaica, Queens. They prioritized keeping work and love separate.

My parents think I overindulge my children and think I'm spoiling them, but I have reasons for doing things like I am and raising them like this.

The new guaranteed income program offers mothers a lump sum of $1,500 during pregnancy and then another $500 a month for a baby's first year of life.

Alex Jones tried to hurt Sandy Hook families one last time by declaring bankruptcy, but a Texas judge ruled that Jones cannot use bankruptcy to avoid paying over $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families. Bankruptcy can't be used to clear a per...

The number of Americans living with a spouse and children has plummeted in the last 50 years.

Andrea Mac's husband is a stay-at-home dad while she works full-time. Here are the issues they struggle with and their advice for other couples.