"Fruit" Blogs & Blog Posts

Old VarietiesOld Varieties

This site has been set up to celebrate and feature the heritage of Britain&...

The Green Grower - Allotment AnticsThe Green Grower - Allotment Antics

The ups, downs, highs & lows of a novice with an allotment, from my ver...

Our Plot at Green Lane allotmentsOur Plot at Green Lane allotments

Read about the ups and downs of gardening on our allotment plot in West Yor...


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Archaeologists at George Washington's Mount Vernon home found nearly three dozen 18th century glass bottles in a cellar pit. Inside the bottles are what they describe as "perfectly preserved cherries and berries, likely gooseberries or currants." Jud...

There are some food prep traditions that don't do a lick of good. The Five Second Rule — you can eat any food that falls on the floor if you pick it up in five seconds — is clearly just wishful thinking. — Read the rest The post Washing aw...

This year's tomato garden leans heavily on the packed with umami Purple Cherokee. I grew five or six heirloom varieties last year in my sunny Southern California garden. While the tomatoes all tasted great, the Purple Cherokee was remarkably more pop...

Pineapples are muscling in on the banana's single-serving appeal. The Takeout reports that Del Monte has developed the Precious Honeyglow Pineapple, an adorable little globe, sized for one. Weighing between 1.5 and 2 pounds, they're about half the we...

Apples are a hearty fruit. They’ll stay fresh for a whole week on the counter (berries could never), and up to two months in the refrigerator, or a cool, dark cellar. It is, however, easy to get a little overenthusiastic while apple-picking, which...

  At the weekend I like to make something that is perhaps a tiny bit special.  Some kind of dessert, or a special breakfast dish. A special meal. Just something that I wouldn't make for any other time of the week.We are being spoilt ri...

The Art of Ornamental Orange Peeling is an article from 1910 about the niche art of making sculptures from orange peels. The images in this book, all in the public domain, are works of art themselves. Due to the aging of the paper and the low reso...