"Funny" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mental PooMental Poo

Jerking off your funny bone, one post at a time.

Bunnycat SuicideBunnycat Suicide

Pretty pictures, fun stuff and viral videos

Brown. Paper. BagBrown. Paper. Bag

Sharing the moments that surprise, shock and scare me. A point of view from...

Flash Fiction and The Idea FairyFlash Fiction and The Idea Fairy

The dump site of one too many fictional stories... Even diamonds get thrown...

Inverse CandlelightInverse Candlelight

Life is funny, life is serious, life is always insane when you're a fo...


Coolest homegrown blog- funny, stylie and awesome. Click and see!!!!

The Housewife DiariesThe Housewife Diaries

I'm a Las Vegas housewife transplanted to Philadelphia. I'm ...


Posting Frequency on "funny"


Latest Blog Posts

Here at Boing Boing we're a big fan of working cats—both those who have real jobs and those whose jobs are more fabricated! In the spirit of cats with jobs, I present my latest find, Chef Gary, an adorable cat whose human,...

A couple of parrots are stunned when their new baby chick throws its first tantrum. In fact, Beaker and Tinkerbell hilariously keep their distance from the scrawny pink bird as one of the confused parrots asks the little guy, "What you doing?" —...

This dad cat had an extreme reaction to hearing his kitten's first cries. Upon hearing the baby cat's little meows, the dad cat begins gagging as if he just smelled a rotten piece of fish.  I can't help but laugh. I feel this way too sometimes w...

This cat was not very pleased when he encountered his reflection in the mirror. He reacts by alternating between hissing at the reflection, and making sounds that are reminiscent of Donald Duck having an exorcism. I wonder if the cat ever got used to...

A black Labrador named Shnootle is an excited doggo who is always up for an adventure. So much so, in fact, that all his human has to do is utter the words, "Would you like to…?" and he takes off like a rocket, no questions asked. — Read...

This man was paid a visit from the police when his holiday decoration stressed out his neighbors.  The decoration consists of a robotic, life sized mannequin that looks as if it's holding onto the side of the roof and flailing around. — Re...

When this wild marmot approached a hiker, it was love at first sight. The hiker greeted the marmot with open arms, who then decided to climb atop the hiker's face and give him lots of licks and cuddles. It's as if these two were long lost best friend...