"Goal Setting" Blogs & Blog Posts

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The kind of productivity method you need depends largely on the kind of person you are. Some methods are adaptable, open to interpretation, and fluid, which is nice if you just need a little guidance. Others, though, are detailed and rule-driven, whi...

If you work in the corporate world, you may have heard of so-called SMART goals, which help you work better with your team and be more productive. But the SMART system is helpful for all kinds of tasks outside the professional world too—including...

SMART goals are typically associated with teams, as managers set them for subordinates, but you can implement this productivity-boosting strategy for yourself on an individual level, too. Try defining SMART goals before jumping into a project to make...

If you want to set a goal, it should be a “S.M.A.R.T.,” the standard advice goes (even ours!). Specific, Measurable, something, something, Time-bound. There’s disagreement on what some of the letters stand for, which is our first hint that may...

If saving up three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund feels like advice that’s wise but nearly impossible to achieve, there’s growing evidence that you don’t need quite that much money stashed away to cushion you from financial emer...

Goal Setting Is Step One. To reach your goals, the secret lies in the TRACKING. Do you collect goals like hobbies? Be real- have you created lists upon lists of goals- for your body, for your relationship, for your job, for your business? Do you have...

I know, I know. You don’t even want to make resolutions for yourself let alone with your kids. If you approach it the right way, though, and when your kids are at the best ages (5-12 years old seems to be the sweet spot for starting this), you can...