"Happiness" Blogs & Blog Posts

Thought MedicineThought Medicine

Exploring the Power of Mind from Science to Spirituality

Three Beautiful ThingsThree Beautiful Things

Every day I write about three things that have amused or delighted me.

Knowledge and WisdomKnowledge and Wisdom

This blog provides a secret map that takes you right to the heart of you ow...

Freedom and FlourishingFreedom and Flourishing

This blog explores links between freedom (liberty) and human flourishing


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Dr. Laurie Santos teaches a popular happiness course at Yale. On her podcast, she shared her own struggles with stress and perfectionism.

Boomers and Gen Z might not have much in common, but new research found the two generations can experience happiness and loneliness simultaneously.

The World Happiness Report found that boomers feel happier and less lonely than younger generations, even with fewer social interactions. Here's why.

Vivien Arguelles, 82, knows it's not easy to make friends later in life. But she has a simple solution: talking to people who share her passions.

 Chart is from the 2024 World Happiness Report...

Patricia Backlund, 81, said she thinks loneliness among older people can sometimes be fear-based. So she started a weekly meetup to make it easier.

The commonly-held belief is that there’s a correlation between your happiness at work and your productivity. And while this assertion has been borne out in decades of research studies focusing on how happiness can make you more productive, those st...