"Ocean" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Midnight GardenThe Midnight Garden

One gardener's observations, discoveries and random thoughts whilst si...

Liquid Playground - Surf Photo Blog by Jeff YusaLiquid Playground - Surf Photo Blog by Jeff Yusa

Surf photography by Jeff Yusa


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In this unreal looking scene, a shelf cloud rolls over the houses of a suburban community. Beautiful and ominous, it looks as if a tidal wave is rising up above all the houses. This dramatic cloud looks so out of place in this calm little neighborho...

Researchers came upon a social media post that led them to the discovery of a new species of sea squirt.

The sustainability-tech companies CleanHub, Red Sea, and Cognizant Ocean use AI to keep plastics from the ocean and boost coral reefs and fish farms.

Chelsea Black was tracking sharks for science when one of her sharks turned up with a hole in its dorsal fin. The following year, the hole was gone.

People have been trying various strange and odd methods to stop orca attacks. Orcas have been interacting with boats in the Strait of Gibraltar for years.

Slow-slip events or silent earthquakes occur regularly in New Zealand. A newly discovered water-filled reservoir may explain what causes them.

Jason Breen, 55, was wingfoiling off a Sydney, Australia beach yesterday when a humpback whale beached beside him, landing on top of the man and pushed him 20 to 30 feet underwater. Amazingly, Breen was unharmed. According to Breen, it was most l...