"Public Health" Blogs & Blog Posts

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The MAGA anti-mask brigade in the North Carolina Senate just rammed through a draconian bill that bans wearing masks in public — even for legitimate health reasons, reports USA Today. The Trump-worshippers in the senate who introduced the bill are...

If you've ever been disappointed by a weak trickle from a public drinking fountain, don't holler at the button. As outlined this article from The Verge, those much-maligned metal discs are actually ingenious pieces of engineering that are "tragically...

About 152 people across 30 counties in West Virginia have been exposed to measles, state health officials said Friday. Earlier this week, the first confirmed case of measles in the state since 2009 was identified, according to the West Virginia Depar...

Jesse Ehrenfeld, an anesthesiologist at a Wisconsin hospital, asked a patient about to have heart surgery if she would consent to a blood transfusion should it become necessary. It's a standard question. But the patient refused. It was 2021, and the...

A security camera feed from a factory in Japan captured an alarming sight – a cat scampering away covered in toxic chemicals. The cat had apparently fallen into a vat containing hexavalent chromium at the Nomura Plating factory in Fukuyama city, Hi...

Cases of measles have continued to crop up in states across the U.S. since a handful of infections were reported at the beginning of the year.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first issued an emergency warning on Jan. 25, saying 2...

Paris is under siege, but the assailants are not what you'd expect: enter the world of psychological warfare, where bedbugs have become phantom agents in a Russian strategy to ruin the Paris Olympics and make French people dislike Ukrainians. France...