"Puppets" Blogs & Blog Posts


No matter how sophisticated the animation gets, there’s nothing to beat m...


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I was so happy to catch this headline in today's Los Angeles Daily News:  "The free Bob Baker Day festival celebrates puppets and the legendary puppet master" Certainly the most famous puppeteer in Los Angeles history (not sure how much compet...

This weekend, a giant spectacle of (mostly) tiny creations will saunter their way onto stages around New Orleans. Puppets built on backpacks, puppets that fold up and fit into shoeboxes, red puppets, blue puppets, tiny little finger puppets, shadow p...

Is the dog in this video experiencing an uncanny valley moment — that unsettling feeling when something appears almost, but not quite, real? Watch the dog's reactions as a talented street performer operates a life-size marionette puppet of a dog. T...

Once again, mindless MAGA victims parrot their puppet-master Donald Trump, who in turn parrots his puppet-master, Vladimir Putin. When asked about Russia's murderous dictator, GQP cult members told MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard at a recent Trump rally tha...

Unlike Putin puppet Trump, President Biden is not afraid of Vladimir Putin. In fact, Biden stood up to the Russian leader today, saying, "Putin and the whole world should know, if any adversary were to attack us, our NATO allies would back us. —...

"Putin's puppet is back with a vengeance," says a new anti-Trump ad by the veterans group VoteVets, sounding like a trailer for a creepy horror show (which it is). Although it's not clear what the ad means by coming "back," since Putin's most loyal...

Handsome Devil Puppets makes some pretty spectacular marionettes, dolls, and hand puppets. This beautiful moth creature, tiny Shelley Duvall, and incredible moon-creature (see it in action!) took my breath away. View this post on Instagr...