"Visual" Blogs & Blog Posts

Dorset SculptureDorset Sculpture

A diary of thoughts about sculpture, visual art, music, current affairs and...


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loving this animation and freestyle.  everything all done by herself.  love love love.Link ☾: http://www.cocomamba.com/...

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. By Grace Hoffman, Editorial Assistant   It’s rare to read a restaurant review that is brutal, compelling and downright...

Isa. 60:19 "The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory."A MilestoneI wanted to share a bit of a milestone that rea...

Looking at once visually plausible and conceptually impossible, the hacked automobiles in this art project visual expectations to make ...

Edible flowers are more than pretty decoration, and can bring major flavor to a dish—I once had some that tasted like garlic—but I will admit I have a hard time identifying them. Luckily, this graphic from Lucky Peach can help with that.Read more...

In addition to an array of other useful features, this futuristic mobility-aiding cane contains a camera and facial recognition software to help the visually ...

The way the human brain processes visual data is really quite amazing. Our brains have at least three separate yet connected systems through which this visual ...