"Wildlife Photography" Blogs & Blog Posts

Australian Nature PhotographyAustralian Nature Photography

Australian Landscape and Wildlife Photography by Christopher Prins.


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Feast your eyes on these hilarious photos that have made it to the finalist round of the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) describes some of the entries: A smoking fox, a flying seal, and an av...

"Tourons of National Parks" is an Instagram account that posts videos of people making poor choices when interacting with wildlife. In some cases, these individuals, who seem to think the animals are costumed Disneyland cast members, receive injuries...

In Montana, a grizzly bear with a penchant for raiding chicken coops prompted intervention from the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks employees. The team devised a plan to trap and relocate the bear back to the wilderness. Writer and photographer Aaro...

Oh whoa, that barracuda didn't stand a chance against that osprey. Watch a bird of prey dramatically emerge from the water with the fish clenched in its mighty talons, and don't miss the part when the raptor secures its catch mid-flight. — Read...

A grim drone image of a line of fire ripping through the bush in northern Australia has claimed the top prize in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award. "Bushfire," which was taken by Robert Irwin (son of the late conservationist...

The wildlife photos have been coming thick and fast lately. First we had the highly commended entires in the Wildlife Photography of the Year Awards, then we had the Comedy Wildlife Photography of the Year Awards, and this week we had the microscopic...

Earlier this month we got a glimpse of some highly commended entries from the Wildlife Photography Awards 2020, but there's another like-minded competition that's a little cheekier: the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. Founded by Paul Joynson-Hick...